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In The Nestbox
Here you can find our nest box babies that will be available for reservation
when they are about 3-4 weeks old.
Bunnies will be moved to the Adopt A Bunny web page
once they are old enough to have individual photos taken of them and we know their gender.
Leia x Asher
(Blue/Cream Harli & WE Booted Chocolate)

Leia our Mini Plush Lop gave birth to 5 healthy little babies.
Born on January 29th
Ready To Reserve Feb.26th
Ready To Go Home March 19th.

Porsha our English Angora gave birth to 8 healthy little babies.
Born on Feb 1st
Ready To Reserve Feb.28th
Ready To Go Home March 22nd
Porsha x Method
(Solid Lilac & Broken Chocolate)
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